im Cars Lover
Hong Kong Cars Museum
所以等一個連網約車都未搞得掂嘅地方搞汽車文化藝術就應該有點難度了~ 但冇所謂嘅,運用科技,我都可以自己建立香港汽車博物館 Hong Kong Cars Museum 讓各位 Cars Lover 有一個地方可以分享汽車文化、汽車資訊、汽車嘅新聞等等
香港絕對唔係一個窮嘅地方,亦都唔係一個沒有汽車嘅地方 ,而且我也相信唔係一個完全沒有文化嘅地方!
所以有一個香港汽車博物館是很正常的 🙂
Our vision is to provide and preserve Hong Kong’s automotive culture and history, and to showcase that we have a vibrant automotive culture in Hong Kong.
Hello, im 852hk
Danny Cheng aka 852hk (Founder and CEO at DaXxX GrouP) established my first website in 1997, the response was an overwhelming success from the public and the website have been interviewed by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) and publicised by Apple Daily (蘋果日報)! After graduated from United Kingdom, I worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC); American Express; Hutchison Whampoa; LexisNexis etc. In year 2003, established DaXxX GrouP, focus on radio podcast and e-commerce.
⭐ I have a deep passion for creating digital content, and I’ve been building websites since I was 15 years old. With over 20 years of experience in the web industry, I’ve professional skills in digital project management and content creation. In my recent role, I managed digital change requests and led digital projects from concept to completion. I am a high achiever who consistently delivers the results.
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